by L. B. E. Cowman and Jim Reimann
Why are you downcast, O my soul? (Psalm 43: 5)
Is there ever any reason to be downcast? Actually, there are two reasons, but only two. If we were still unbelievers, we would have a reason to be downcast; or if we have been converted but continue to live in sin, we are downcast as a consequence.
Except for these two conditions, there is never a reason to be downcast, for everything else may be brought to God “by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving” (Phil. 4: 6). And through all our times of need, difficulty, and trials, we may exercise faith in the power and love of God.
“Put your hope in God” (Ps. 43: 5). Please remember there is never a time when we cannot hope in God, whatever our need or however great our difficulty may be. Even when our situation appears to be impossible, our work is to “hope in God.” Our hope will not be in vain, and in the Lord’s own timing help will come.
Oh, the hundreds, even the thousands, of times I have found this to be true in the past seventy years and four months of my life! When it seemed impossible for help to come, it did come, for God has His own unlimited resources. In ten thousand different ways, and at ten thousand different times, God’s help may come to us.
Our work is to lay our petitions before the Lord, and in childlike simplicity to pour out our hearts before Him, saying, “I do not deserve that You should hear me and answer my requests, but for the sake of my precious Lord Jesus; for His sake, answer my prayer. And give me grace to wait patiently until it pleases You to grant my petition. For I believe You will do it in Your own time and way.”
“For I will yet praise him” (Ps. 43: 5). More prayer, more exercising of our faith, and more patient waiting leads to blessings— abundant blessings. I have found it to be true many hundreds of times, and therefore I continually say to myself, “Put your hope in God.”
~George Mueller
Cowman, L. B. E.; Reimann, Jim (2008-09-09). Streams in the Desert: 366 Daily Devotional Readings (pp. 64-65). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
Categories: spiritual